“Bloodline” is now available in Hungur Magazine

HungurCoverMy short story “Bloodline” is now available in Hungur Magazine, a horror magazine devoted to variations on vampires put out by White Cat Publications. Be sure to pick up the latest issue (number 16) and check it out.


I don’t write many stories with the traditional monster tropes. I am pretty proud of this one, and I think it has a great twist on the vampire mythology.

The Brave New Publishing World and Updates

The Brave New Publishing World and Updates

After a short hiatus, The Confabulator Cafe has returned. Under the new format, each writer will be contributing something different than his colleagues. This week, I wrote about the literary gatekeepers and other aspects of the changing publishing world. Check it out at The Confabulator Cafe

Also, my short story “Hatched” has been picked up by Dark Eclipse and should be out in the very near future.

In addition, the Spring issue of Hungur should be out soon and will feature “Bloodline.”

I’ll be back with links to the publications as they are released.


Looking back on a year of the Confabulator Cafe, and an upcoming story in Hungur Magazine

In my weekly Confabulator Cafe blog, I was asked about my favorite assignment this year. See my answer in “Bring me another!

Also, Hungur Magazine, a horror magazine specializing in vampire fiction, has accepted my short story “Bloodline” for publication in their April 30, 2013 issue.

It has been a good year for my writing career, and I am looking forward to  whatever 2013 brings.

