“Spring is the time of plans and projects.” – Leo Tolstoy, from Anna Karenina

The cold bite of the north wind gives way to the gentle caress of the south. The perpetual scent of cut grass and oncoming rains warms the senses as a reminder that the true New Year is upon us.
If January is a time for resolutions, Spring is the time when those resolutions are given movement. You snap to, realizing the year is already a quarter way gone, and there is so much work to be done. Work means many different things to many different people.
The grass needs mowed, the trees trimmed, the garage swept. The eves need cleaned, the rainspouts unclogged, the house vented of the stale winter air. The sun motivates movement. It gets you to walk, ride bikes, jog, or play a million games that keep you company like the most faithful of childhood friends.
Winter-sore muscles stretch relaxed like flower petals reaching for the sun. There are so many things to do, things that will not get done on their own. There is work to be done on the house, thorough cleaning that has been put off for way too long, but there are others things as well. These things are more goal than true necessity.
There are stories to be written, a screenplay to be finished, a novel to re-write, a million words I want to write or need to write. Blogs, books, movies, short stories of all sizes. During spring time seems eternal. Energy is boundless. Anything is possible. Lists of chores that once seemed imposing seem more welcoming and friendly, needing only an attached iPod and a smile.
This Fall, I will hopefully be returning to school, working on a Master’s Degree in Literary Theory. As such, Fall will be work, not only in my day job, but in my spare time. Then, with November comes NaNoWriMo, and even more writing.
Right now, that all seems so far away, as if it is the life of another person whom I barely know. Spring is here, full of resurrection and life. The reality of Fall’s death is but a distant bleep on time’s radar.
Spring is indeed the time of plans and projects. There are a million things to do. Those New Year’s resolutions have been procrastinated too long. They have become Spring’s resolutions. I am ready to get started. How about you?
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