NaNoWriMo Week 4 Update

For those of you keeping track, we are in week four of NaNoWriMo, and I am closing in on the end of my first draft. Head on over to The Confabulator Cafe in order to see how things are going.

I also approved the galleys for “Flute of the Dead” in the next issue of Bete Noire Magazine, so it seems like things are progressing on that front. Hopefully, there will be news on that soon.


NaNoWriMo Week 3 at The Confabulator Cafe

As NaNoWriMo has escalated, so to has my Fall semester at grad school. A busy week studying didn’t leave much time for the novel. I talk about it in my latest post at The Confabulator Cafe.  Check it out.

NaNoWriMo November

It’s November and National Novel Writing Month is upon us once again. This year, my project is a novella based on my short story “Mama’s Little Boy.” I have high hopes this this book. The short story itself had received good feedback and I actually had to withdraw it from a anthology’s short list in order to expand it. It’s a minor risk of sacrificing one short story publication for a chance at something a bit grander, but I think it will pay off in the end. The story will hopefully become something more powerful than the original inspiration.

I will be blogging weekly at The Confabulator Cafe about how the novel is going, so I invite you to stop by and keep up with me and the rest of the Confabulators.

Week 1’s blog can be found here:

Week 2 can be found here:

The next installment will be up next Monday. I am also planning on talking to a local reporter some time this week, so there may be something on that front, as well.

As usual, it is a busy November as the day job, National Novel Writing Month, and graduate school are all coming to a head at the same time, but it is a month I always look forward to.

There should also be news very shortly about “Flute of the Dead,” which will be appearing in issue #13 of Bete Noire Magazine any day now.

As always, thanks for reading.
