The Red Tree by Caitlin Kiernan (Book Review)

The Red Tree by Caitlin Kiernan (Book Review)

We are trying something new at The Confabulator Cafe, sharing reviews of books, films, and games. We’ve spent the last two years discussing various aspects of writing as they affect our own lives. Stop by and check out what we think about the writing of other artists.

This week, I review the horror novel The Red Tree by Caitlin Kiernan, the story of a writer, a found manuscript, ancient evils, and insanity.

My Mistakes (Free Flash Fiction)

My Mistakes (Free Flash Fiction)

It’s a few hours late due to traveling, but I’ve got a brand new piece of flash fiction titled “My Mistakes” over at The Confabulator Cafe. One of our challenges was to write something outside of our normal genre. As such, this story is totally mainstream. Not a single violent death. Make sure to check it out.