“Murph’s Law” is now available at The Confabulator Cafe

I have a new short story up at The Confabulator Cafe. Murph didn’t mean any offense when he pissed on his best friend’s grave, but when he’s around, things go wrong. There may or may not be a vampire involved. You can read the story in its entirety at http://www.confabulatorcafe.com/2013/12/murphs-law-flash-fiction/

My Mistakes (Free Flash Fiction)

My Mistakes (Free Flash Fiction)

It’s a few hours late due to traveling, but I’ve got a brand new piece of flash fiction titled “My Mistakes” over at The Confabulator Cafe. One of our challenges was to write something outside of our normal genre. As such, this story is totally mainstream. Not a single violent death. Make sure to check it out. 




For this month’s flash fiction, The Confabulator Cafe is re-telling fairy tales. I chose The Pied Piper. You can read “Piper” for free at The Confabulator Cafe.


Calliope and other News

Calliope and other News

This week for the Confabulator Cafe, we decided to get into the Halloween spirit by writing stories about carnivals. Anyone who has read much on here will know that I am a big Ray Bradbury fan. His writing had a huge influence on me, and he stands as one of my favorite writers of all time. My contribution is a short story titled “Calliope.” You can check it out at http://www.confabulatorcafe.com/2012/10/calliope-flash-fiction/

In other news, Bette Noir has accepted “Flute of the Dead” for publication in their October 2013 double-issue. The Rusty Nail has accepted “Victor’s Indifference” for future publication at an unknown date. Also, my poem “What the Fires Consumed” should be appearing in Danse Macabre Du Jour some time this month.

November is NaNoWriMo, and I am planning a new novel titled “The Dreamcatcher.” Time might be an issue since I will also be wrapping up this semester of grad school, but we’ll see if I can get my fifty thousand words written.

Thanks for reading. I could not handle this crazy life without all of your support.



A Burial

A Burial

Every month at The Confabulator Cafe, we write flash fiction based on some sort of prompt. This week, the prompt, a pretty intense painting, was provided by Lawrence-area writer and painter David Dehetre. 

I started with a shotgun in a little red wagon, and the result was “A Burial.”

You can read it now at http://www.confabulatorcafe.com/2012/08/a-burial/

Enjoy, and thanks for reading.

Mercury Beach (Flash Fiction)

Mercury Beach (Flash Fiction)

This week, The Confabulator Cafe asked us to write a piece of flash fiction, a thousand words or less, involving dreams and cooking. See my latest piece of flash fiction, “Mercury Beach,” at http://www.confabulatorcafe.com/2012/05/mercury-beach-flash-fiction/

Thanks for reading.

New Flash Fiction and the Latest from The Confabulator Cafe

“Collectors,” the flash fiction piece that appeared at The Confabulator Cafe last Monday, is now available here on This Average Life. Find it on the pages list to the right.

In my latest Confabulator Cafe blog, I write about what I consider to be my strengths as a writer, and what I enjoy about my writing. Check out “Artistic Endeavors in Granite and Clothespin.”

Thank you all for your continued support of my writing.

– Jack

“Collectors” Free Flash Fiction from The Confabulator Cafe

“Collectors” Free Flash Fiction from The Confabulator Cafe

The Confabulator Cafe asked its writers to come up with a flash fiction story. The catch was the first and last line were decided for us. The rest was up to our imaginations and a thousand words.

Alatir and Rakiel are low-level imps collecting souls for a trading card game that will decide the fate of the universe.

Go see what they are up to at http://www.confabulatorcafe.com/2012/04/collectors-flash-fiction/

Site News – Script Frenzy and FREE FLASH FICTION!

Sometimes, when a piece of fiction gets published, the writer retains the rights after the initial publication.

I have decided to make some of that work available on my site, free of charge to my readers. If you look beneath my photo on the right side of your screen, you will see a new page featuring the first story I ever had published, Thousands Died This Morning.

Feel free to check it out. It will be available on this site as a free sample of my writing. Once the initial run of C Is for Cat has completed, I will post it here, as well. In the meantime, check it out at www.confabulatorcafe.com, and support all of the amazing writers featured there.

Also, lower on the right side of the frame, you will find a meter that will track my progress on my upcoming screenplay Close to Home, which I will be writing in April as part of Script Frenzy.

Thank you all. It is easy to keep writing when you get such great support.


– Jack

C Is for Cat

C Is for Cat

I have written a new original flash fiction piece for The Confabulator Cafe. The challenge was to write a piece of under 1000 words based on a picture I was assigned. The picture was selected from Flickr using my last name and my birth date.

Please read it at http://www.confabulatorcafe.com/2012/03/c-is-for-cat-flash-fiction/ and thank you all for your support.